What Is Your Escape Route?

Our days are filled with much activity. So much so that we find it difficult to focus on one thing at a time. When was the last time you had a conversation with someone where you did not get interrupted by someone or something? It’s rather difficult when the world is so busy and noisy.

How about with God? Do you find it hard to simply be with God where you can focus on Him?

“While Jesus didn’t have to deal with emails, voice mails, or texts, He certainly understood what it means to have multitudes of people pursuing Him at once. At any given moment of the day, people were looking for Jesus. Because of the priority of His relationship with His Father, He founds ways to escape. He took the time to focus and be quiet; read Mark 1:35. He was willing to remove Himself from people’s reach in order to pray and commune with God the Father. Our lack of intimacy is often due to our refusal to unplug and shut off communication from all others so we can be alone with Him. It take tremendous effort to find a quiet place. It takes time to quiet your mind and your heart before the Lord. I don’t know exactly what it will look like for you to be still before the Lord. But I do know that no matter your personality, it is a spiritual discipline to be still, to listen, and to cut out the distraction and din of our world. And as we practice this stillness, this waiting, this being, it is then that we can experience deep intimacy and relationship with the Holy Spirit.” (taken from Forgotten God by Francis Chan, page 108-109)

Do what you have to to give God time in your day.

We can learn much from Jesus’ escape route in handling the pressures of this life as He abides with His Father. Jesus never got the two mixed up. If He did, the resurrection would have never happened and we would be up a creek without a paddle.

The first thing Jesus did was He made the relationship with His Father top priority. He had to or else the resurrection would have never happened. If we do not make the Trinity top priority, we will not embrace eternal life one day; read John 15:5.

Second, Jesus looked for ways to escape so He could commune with His Father. Make His time your time and you will meet with the Lord daily. You have to be willing to let go of lesser things for Him.

Third, you have to learn to be quiet. It’s a skill that needs to be honed so you can learn to hear from the Holy Spirit.

Fourth, you must learn to enjoy God’s company. Is your heart beating more and more for Christ? Heaven will be a place where you and I will reside in His presence glorifying Him 24/7. If you don’t learn to enjoy His presence on this side of heaven, the other side will be boring for you.

God’s desire for every person He creates is to experience deep intimacy and relationship with the Holy Spirit. He is the third person of the Trinity that ignites your faith. This is where the power lies that enables you to do amazing works for His Kingdom in this dark world.

Read the Amplified version of Philippians 3:10 slowly and allow the Spirit to speak to you. Ask Him to help you plan your escape route so you can deepen your relationship with the King of kings and the Lord of lords. Your eternal life depends on it.

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