The Value Of A Cup Of Water

Jesus takes serving others very seriously. He came to serve and we are also called to serve. It is how we reveal God’s love to others. Jesus gives a rather simple example of serving in Matthew 10:24, “And if you give even a cup of cold water to one of the least of my followers, you will surely be rewarded.”

Why a cup of cold water?

Commentary for Matthew 10:24 from explains the value of a cup of water. “Even in Jesus’ time, people preferred to drink cold water. A cup of cold water, if available, was not expensive. Even a very poor person could help the mission of Jesus by offering His workers some cold water along the way. Wealth and status are no barriers to serving Jesus’ mission by giving assistance to His laborers.”

Have you ever received something as simple as a cup of water? I have, and it touched my heart in a deep way. I was traveling to visit my son and his family, and my flight was delayed. I was supposed to get in around dinnertime, but instead it was after 11 p.m. My daughter-in-law and grandsons were already in bed. When my son and I arrived, my bed was made on the couch and on the kitchen table was a note welcoming me into their home and a glass of water.

Such simple things. Not requiring any money, only a very small sliver of time. Amidst my angst that I got in late and couldn’t see my little boys that evening as well as being tired, walking into their home was so warm and inviting. What a way to start my visit. I felt seen and loved.

To be seen and to feel loved, aren’t these two things that every one of us craves?

Do not underestimate the power behind simple gestures that serves another. There is so much power behind a cup of water, a smile, holding the door open for someone, remembering someone’s birthday, telling someone that you are proud of them, the list is endless. Simple gestures that encourage another’s heart to receive God’s love never costs much nor take up a lot of time.

I had just sent my son some money. Along with the check, I included a 4×6 card where I wrote him a quick note of encouragement. After he received it, he sent me a text thanking me for the money and the sweet note. What caught my attention was that he sent me a photo of the card too. I touched his heart.

Never underestimate the power of God in simple gestures!

My friend, this is living out the hands and feet of Jesus! There is nothing big and flashy when it comes to God and His ways. He knows our limitations and removes all financial barriers so any and all people can come to Christ and be His light to this dark, dying world. You don’t have to be educated or accomplish some big thing to make an eternal difference.

You just need to let Jesus shine through you.

Listen to the Holy Spirit. He will help you to love and serve others. When you are being nudged, follow through and do what comes to your mind. God is using you to help someone know that they matter and that they are loved. God is using you to help that person become connected to Him. He knows what they are needing in the moment, so follow through.

Read John 4:1-42 and see how the power of a cup of water changed a person.

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